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Monday, November 21, 2011

Is it just me?

I read something a lil while ago that really made me wonder if I’m the only one that feels the way I feel about commitment or if the majority of people really view it as some big sacrifice. I mean commitment is a big deal, something that shouldn’t be taking lightly but it’s not the end of the world. What I read was a list of a young man’s…I guess cons of commitment? They go as follows: “Compromise, loss of independence, sacrifice of sexual variety, and financial devastation”
Let me go in on this financial devastation first cause that’s what really threw me for a loop. How does commitment equal financial devastation? In what sense? Because the way I see it, you could be financially devastated by your damn self. You don’t need help with ruining your credit, or accumulating debt. The only way I could see commitment having anything to do with your finances is if you have a joint account with your significant other (which constitutes marriage) and they’re spending money all willy nilly. But even then, that has more to do with this person’s spending habits rather than the fact that you’re committed to them. Not everyone has bad spending habits or don’t know how to spend money so there’s a pretty big chance you won’t have that problem. Especially if you talk about these things and see what kind of person you’re dealing with before you decide to commit.
Anyway…back to the reason of why I chose that title. The first 3 on that list seems to be everyone’s problem with commitment. Is it really that big of a deal though? Compromise applies to everything in life. You’re not always going to have things going your way. Compromise is essential at work, at school, and just dealing with people in general. You’re going to have to learn how to meet people half way, it is what it is. Independence…commitment shouldn’t cost you your independence. Yes you’re not free to be with whoever you want to but when you decided you didn’t want to be single anymore you voluntarily gave that up did you not? So what does it matter? Other than that, you should still be the same person. Free to do whatever you want, go wherever you want, and speak to whoever you want. Your significant other shouldn’t stop you from doing any of this. The only thing you have to keep in mind is the line of respect. Yes you can talk to whomever, but don’t flirt or, more specifically, lead them on when you know you have a significant other. Yes you can do whatever you want minus anything that you know for a fact would hurt your significant other. I mean all this shouldn’t be a big deal to you, and if it is…why are you in a commitment? Faithfulness is what comes along with commitment…how is it a con? Which brings me to “sacrifice of sexual variety”. Very fancy way of saying you can’t fuck whoever, whenever you want. Is that really a con? I mean I don’t get people who make such a big deal out of that. Like for example, that video with Kevin Hart’s ex-wife saying she was unhappy because she’s had the same dick for the past 6 years. Some women really think like that (and men as far as pussy goes) and I just don’t get it. I mean did you not realize that you were saying you were kool with having the same dick for the rest of your life when you were reading your vows? Lol really though? I mean I’ve never been an advocate or participant in casual sex, so it really doesn’t upset me that when I have a boyfriend, I can’t have sex with nobody but him. But that really seems to piss a lot of people off and I’m just wondering what is the big deal?! I’m lost. Must you really fuck every attractive person you meet? It’s that serious right? When you commit and decide to be faithful, that is just a crazy big sacrifice right? Smh. I think people kind of blow commitment up to be more than what it is but hey…maybe it is just me lol. 

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