I've been through my fair share of experiences in life.
Some people may have had it worse by my age, some easier. But I know that I’ve learned a lot these 21
years of living and I’m still learning. One major thing that I’ve realized…the
one thing that is essential to your happiness, fulfillment, and success in life…is
self-love. Love thyself. That’s what I consider to be the 11th commandment.
People wonder why things seem to be so
difficult, why they have so much trouble in friendships, relationships, family
matters. It all goes back to you and how you feel about yourself. So many
problems arise when you’re not happy with yourself. You become indecisive, you’re
unsure of the decisions that you make and the people you keep around you, you
doubt and question everything. You’re in a bad mood most of the time and it
rubs off on other people. Half the time you don’t even know why you’re upset.
You push people away and then pull them close when it gets too lonely. I know
this because I’ve been there. I’m still there honestly but I’ve made progress.
I love myself now more than I ever did and that happiness and confidence in me
continues to grow every day. Once you make that decision to just be content
with yourself, so many realizations come about. You start realizing that you
can’t make everyone happy, you realize things will not always go as planned, you
realize that you’re going to get your heart broken and you may break a few
yourself, you realize that you may not accomplish all your goals, all your
dreams may not become reality…its life. You can’t beat yourself up. All you can
do is accept…
grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
I started saying that prayer all the time, to remind myself
to accept all the things I can’t change…including myself. You are who you are
and there’s no denying it. So what else is there for you to do except love you.
So when you have achieved that happiness, then you’ll attract others that will
help to ENHANCE it.
11th Commandment: Love Thyself.
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