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Monday, December 5, 2011

Being in control

Okay, let’s be honest here. In this day and time, with all the advances we have in medical technology, if you really don’t want to get pregnant…uuhh you won’t. I mean not only do we have condoms, which I feel is the most unreliable form of birth control by the way…we have spermicide, the morning after pill, the birth control pill/shot, IUDs, hell nuvaring! There really is no excuse for an “unplanned pregnancy” except pure negligence. That’s the truth that most people don’t want to admit. Chicks will come up with all kinds of reasons to justify. Either birth control is too expensive or “it makes you fat”. Granted some women actually do have systems that may not agree with the shots or the pills but even then…I did mention spermicide and the morning after pill did I not? And as far as expenses go, if you don’t have insurance, which would make these methods considerably cheaper, they do have the Planned Parenthood clinics. They charge you based on your income and they also have discounts for students. Hell some of em give away brands of birth control pills for free for you to try. My point is we really shouldn’t have so many single and under 25 mothers running around, or so many abortion clinics overflowing. I’m not trying to start a pro-life or pro-choice debate here; all I’m saying is that it boils down to being responsible. If you know you are sexually active and not ready for a child…be woman enough to do something about it. I mean we stay blaming men because…they didn’t pull out quick enough or didn’t wear a condom…well you gotta be on your job too ladies. It’s not like there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. I’m not perfect… no one is, but we have to be a little smarter about our decisions. Paying 20 or 30…or at the most $50 for a Plan B pill is better than paying $300 to $400 at the abortion clinic. 

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