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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Old piece from a personal blog of mines. It's gonna be more posts like this to come...

Sometimes i feel real out of place as far as my generation goes. Maybe it’s how i was raised…see, my parents are Nigerian. Completely different and unique culture. Even though i grew up in Georgia i still was raised with a heavy Nigerian influence. In that culture, having a family and being successful enough to provide for that family means you have succeeded in life. Maybe that’s why i’m such a “relationship” kind of person. I feel like as far as my career goes, i’m definitely on  the right path. No one can shake my confidence on that because i am an intelligent young lady and bad grades and what not was never apart of my upbringing. Anyway..back to feeling out of place….see, my generation is all about “getting money”. I’m 21, 22 in February, so whatever your perception of my generation is…there u go. Money is everything and marriage is…as someone once said to me, “a joke”. The other day a club was promoting the parties that they hosted and one was a divorce party….Divorce party???? sooooo we celebrate divorces now? smh, what kind of shit is that? I don’t believe in divorce. Marriage is til death do you…only time i would ever consider divorce is if my husband abused me or my children. but at the same time, that’s not something that just shows up out of the blue. That’s the problem these days, people dont take the time to really get to know a person in and out before getting married. 6 months of dating and dude already proposing…smh. Relationships take time, patience, and the passion and love to make it work. Nothing comes easy. oh and the money thing, everybody is on this get rich quick type mess. guys wanna be rappers and girls wanna be nicki minaj, or a video girl…hell some don’t even know what they wanna do wit themselves. Some people actually have the talent and the passion to succeed in those industries but not every damn body is destined to be a rapper or a singer. the pass few guys I’ve talked to have been so called rappers and a party promoter. So it was very refreshing to come across a guy who actually had a plan…rapping was a past time not a career goal. He was business minded and knew exactly what he wanted for himself….gained my respect instantly. Maybe i just don’t get out enough but we need more men like this. See my train of thought is different from most people i know. All everyone is worried about is partying, and making money. No one seems to have a passion for anything these days…..idk….maybe its just me. But it’s sad how the next generation is gonna be a bunch of kids who grew up with single parents and no sense.

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