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Friday, May 4, 2012

The other Illuminati?

I know, I know...not another Illuminati conspirator. Actually i'm not one. But i figured since my own uncle came at me with the whole "you got to watch this stuff on YouTube" thing...-___- i figured i'd write about it. Now one question pops into my head when people start talking about this whole Illuminati thing. Are there two? Cause i mean according to the history that i have learned and what people say about the organization these days... it seems that some where down the line the Illuminati split up or something. I mean when did the victims...yes victims, become the bad guys? Okay, let me explain and before anyone says anything, no I'm not atheist lol.
Yes the Illuminati is a real secret society. They were formed during the time that the Catholic Church was the most powerful establishment in Europe. During this time, certain men who were not only scientist but philosophers and men of "higher thinking" in general, went against many of the teachings of the church. For example, the whole situation of the world being flat, or the sun and other planets revolving around the earth. Of course the church wasn't happy about these group of people disagreeing with them. If the church is scared of anything, it's the people's doubt in them. So of course, the scientist were prosecuted, even killed because they were heretics preaching blasphemy. According to the church anyway. So yea, maybe the church would have wanted you to think the Illuminati were satanist in those days. But no, they were just scientist who created a secret society so they could meet up and discuss their findings. Pick up a history book, google it, hell watch Angels and Demons! Fact is fact. And i'm sorry if you feel like i'm insulting your intelligence here because you may have already had this lil history lesson. But i'm sure there are some, like my uncle, who had no clue those were the Illuminati origins.
Sooo, back to my question. How did the Illuminati go from a group of scientist and philosophers trying to protect themselves from the church.. to the people you go to and sell your soul to for riches and fame? Since when did the simple "a-ok" hand gesture  or the peace sign become demonic symbols of the Illuminati? Show me a picture or painting from the time of Galileo ( a well known Illuminati member) that has these symbols in it. Or maybe even Galileo himself or any other scientist throwing up the a-ok sign. Come on smh.
Bottom line, people are superstitious, we always will be. I mean i'm sure there is someone reading this right now that disagrees with everything that i'm saying, ready to say I've been brain washed and so on and so forth. But like i said fact is fact and gimmick is gimmick. "Oh but but Kanye West said himself that he sold his soul to the devil!" Kanye West is trying to get a reaction, like he always does. Keep people talking. Notice that nobody was talking about selling there souls until people started accusing them. So they did what i personally would do to. People want to talk, so give them something to talk about. So yea i sold my soul, yea no church in the wild, yea fuck the church -___- cuz that's what you wanna hear...right?
But hey, maybe there is something going on with the music industry. But i doubt the  real Illuminati has anything to do with it and i'm pretty sure they're irritated by their name being involved in all the fuckery.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Reality Check

Some may disagree with this but i'm really not getting whats with people who seem to be upset that when a celebrity dies, there's a news broadcast. I'm seeing "well what about the people and soldiers who die and don't get acknowledged?" every where and i guess people don't get it. So i'll try my best to break it down. It's quite simple actually...those people do get acknowledged. They have family and friends that care about them, that mourn them, that celebrate the person they were, and make memorials for them. Just because YOU don't see it...doesn't mean it's not happening. A celebrity is known by a much larger group then say, a teacher or a soldier. So of course, their death is front page news. Their name is known around the world...they're recognized. It's not like no one cares about Mrs. John Doe who died the same day as Whitney Houston, and it's not like because Whitney Houston was a singer that somehow makes her more important or relevant than Mrs. John Doe. I mean let's be for you know how many people die world wide on a daily basis? Would you really want CNN to report to you every single death everyday? Do you know how long it would take to "acknowledge" everyone that dies in the world? If that's even possible... That's all the news would be. Depressing don't you think? You can send your own personal prayer out to everyone that dies everyday...that's fine, i'm all for it. But understand that yes people like, the president, Whitney Houston, Steve Jobs...the celebrities...they get air time because they are known. Not because they are better than you or anyone else. When you pass, the world may not acknowledge you...but the people who care and matter the most, will.

Friday, January 20, 2012

I remember when people made fun of you for drinking cough syrup just to get a buzz...

Now it seems to be the thing to do. I mean really? This whole "lean" thing is out of control in my opinion. The prime example of people just following a crowd. Do they think about the side effects? Of course not. No one worries about how it could cause your breathing to slow to a dangerous rate or stop completely. Or how it could...well idk, kill you. -___- No they just want to look kool with their 2 styrofoam cups (could be purple, it could be pink and all that jazz), just like wayne and them rappers down in Houston. That's why i don't pay attention to that whole "oh it's never killed anyone bullshit when it comes to weed and alcohol (even though alcohol is very capable of killing) as a means to justify what people are doing. Ummm, lean has killed people...soooo now what's your excuse? I mean, i would think a corona or a shot of vodka/tequila or something is better than sitting here drinking some mess that really makes you feel like shit in my opinion. I was prescribed codeine last year and that mess did NOT have me on no cloud 9. I wasn't even taking it the way the doctor told me to because i hated how it made me feel. What's really got me going is the fact that this mess is all over the place. People posting pictures on facebook, negros tweetin talking bout "who selling some Promethazine?" Like really? I didn't know it had gotten so popular. I didn't know drinking  prescription allergy medicine with sprite was the kool thing to do now. People kill me....seriously. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Waiting on the Man to change

I tweeted something yesterday that made oomf (I now know that means “one of my followers” lol) bring up a very good point. I said, “Isn’t the south supposed to be the home of the gentlemen? I guess they all moved.” He said that women aren’t looking for that anymore. Sad but true. Women have lowered their standards and as a result, these men or boys…let’s just say males, see no point in doing the extra. Extra as in being respectful, loyal, faithful, and so on. I’ve touched on that before so I’m not going in on that now.

There are men out there that are good. Gentlemen still do exist but we don’t see them because we as females spend all our time trying to change a dog into a man. It’s not possible and time shouldn’t be wasted on doing so. Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t matter how good the pussy is. If a man isn’t ready to settle down…he’s not going to. If a man isn’t ready to be faithful and focus on one woman…he’s not going to. If a man isn’t ready to trust or believe there are good women out there…he’s not going to, period. Now I’m not saying you can’t be the inspiration behind a changed man or that you can’t be that last push he needed over the edge because that is very possible. But don’t think his changes are completely based on you.

 I woke up from a nap, went to my phone to check twitter, and the first thing I see is a tweet from a guy I used to talk to… a guy I really liked at one point actually. It said “there are NO BITCHES at my school, smh” another tweet said “I will share any girl except my main.” There was one other ignorant tweet but I can’t remember what it said. Now at first I was like wow, I really dodged a bullet with this guy, I thought I knew him. Then I realized I DID know him. Which is why what we had never amounted to anything. I knew he wasn’t going to be faithful, I knew he wasn’t going to trust me, and I sure as hell knew I was just another “bitch” in his contacts. A part of a team. That’s why I walked away, removed him from my life. He truly does have potential to be a good guy, I saw that in him too…but am I going to sit here and spend all my time and energy trying to bring that out of him? Hell naw! He is not ready to be that man and it doesn’t matter what I do, or how good I am to him…he won’t change until he is ready. Now some women have that “oh if I stick around long enough, something will change eventually” mentality. Which may be true, but why sit waiting for this man to change when there are plenty of men out there who have already gone through these changes? Men who have grown up into the mature, respectful, loving men they are supposed to be and now they’re just waiting on a good woman to treat right. But here you are stuck on this fool that you that you think you can change. I’m sorry but I have no time or patience for that. You not ready to be “tied down”, “Smash, no cuffin” and all that good stuff, that’s great! Do you! Just don’t expect me to be in your life while you doing it. Women…up your standards. No need for long ass lists but…can we at least not settle for a part of the team over being the one and only? Can we at least not be okay with being called bitches? Can we at least know what we’re worth?
“Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.” (Proverbs 31:10)