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Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Short story i wrote a little earlier

Tyler was a man with very few beliefs. He lived in a world that he thought was cruel, heartless, and ignorant. He was the definition of a loner, never really caring about being part of the society. A characteristic that he’s always had. His family was gone and he did not keep any close friends. He preferred it this way. Life was easier without the burdens of emotional attachments. He lived a simple life, spending most of his days at work. You would think with the amount of money he made he would treat himself to a vacation or maybe a night on the town. He didn’t see the point in those things however…just time wasted. “Dude, you really need to get out more...” his coworker droned on in the lobby of the employee break room. “There’s more to life than your cubical.” Tyler simply rolled his eyes and didn’t respond hoping Mark would get the message and leave him alone. The last time he decided to break his pattern and go to a bar with Mark, things ended disastrously. No need to relive such events. “Look if you’re still pissed about the last time, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how much of a bitch that chick was.” Mark insisted as if he had been picking Tyler’s thoughts. Tyler finally spoke in a raspy voice he almost didn’t recognize, that was a common reminder to him of how little he spoke. “It’s fine man, I’m just not in the mood that’s all.” Mark sighed and walked away with a bit of an annoyed look on his face mumbling something along the lines of you’re never in the mood. Most would think that Tyler was missing something or unhappy with his life. He’d even heard a few coworkers joking behind his back about how he should commit suicide already. But Tyler was fine; he didn’t feel there was anything wrong with him. He just didn’t feel the need to participate in the mundane and redundant things that most people worried about.
Tyler lived a few blocks up the street from his job so he tends to walk to work. It was a beautiful day, clear blue skies, warm weather, and the light breeze was just enough to keep you from being uncomfortable. Of course Tyler never noticed the little things, his only thought was the bottle of Jack Daniels he had sitting on his table top and his bed. His boss had told him to go home early and take a break…”You’re a hard worker Tyler and this company is glad to have people like you, but I think a few days off will do you justice.” were his words. A few days off? For what?! To do what?! I wish people would stop trying to fix what isn’t broken! I’m fine…I’m more than fine, I’m GREAT. A loud screech followed by a thud, the sound of glass breaking, and a scream immediately brought him out of his thoughts. There was a girl lying motionless on the pavement in front of a minivan with a broken windshield. People were already surrounding her but most were in shock, not doing anything. Tyler ran over to check if the girl was still alive. She had a shallow pulse and she was breathing, but bleeding profusely, he didn’t notice where the blood was coming from. “Somebody…” he stopped to clear the raspy signature out of his voice. “Somebody dial 911”, his voice was very calm for someone who had just witnessed an accident. He didn’t yell that sentence like most did, he simply spoke it as if he was asking someone to pass the salt. He notices a woman pulling out a cellphone and he proceeds to walk away. He figured his good deed for the day, if it could be called that, had been done. But as soon as he tried to lift his leg he felt a gentle pull, it was just enough to get his attention. He looked down to see the young lady, now conscious, tugging at his pants and trying to speak. He crouched down to hear her better. “What did you say?”
“Don’t leave me,” she mumbled before coughing up a mouthful of blood. He stared at this young girl with tears in her eyes, so obviously afraid to be alone. Even with the blood, bruises, and cuts…he could tell she was attractive. Any other time he would of said he was sorry and walked away, but it was something about this girl…he almost felt as if he owed her his company. He sat with his legs crossed and pulled her into his lap immediately regretting the action after he’d done it. Don’t they say don’t move someone who’s been in an accident...what if he had just paralyzed her from the waist down or something. “Do you feel anything? Can you feel your legs?” He was surprised at the panic in his voice…he actually sounded like he cared. But he shook his head, knowing that he was only trying to cover his own ass. The girl slowly shook her head yes and he sighed in relief. He didn’t understand what he was doing, he should leave. He doesn’t know this girl, surely he could call someone else to hold her if she just didn’t want to be alone. “What’s your name?” The clarity of her voice caught him off guard, she was clearly fully conscious now surprisingly. “Tyler...” he said warily, he wasn’t too fond of giving strangers information about him, even if it was just his name. “Tyler…where is your family?”
“Dead…” He had already said the word before he realized how insensitive that was to the situation, but she didn’t seem to mind.
“I’m all alone too.” Her thoughts seemed to trail off for a few seconds before she continued speaking. “Have you ever been in love Tyler?” He immediately rolled his eyes, this girl has got to be delusional, he thought.
“I don’t believe in love…” He answered honestly. Why not indulge her? This day had taken a turn for the strange anyway, might as well keep it going.
“Why not?” she didn’t sound very surprised by his answer in fact, there was a hint of boredom to her tone. Like she had suppressed a sigh.
“It’s just how I feel. Hey I don’t think I’m the one you should be talking to about love, this isn’t a very good time to be depressed.” He smirked slightly, hoping she had gotten his mediocre joke. Instead she gave him her full attention, turning to look him in the face and repeating “why not”, no humor at all in her eyes. Tyler sighed and was in disbelief at this random and irrelevant conversation that was approaching. No one had ever asked him why before…and he never had to explain his reasoning. It took him a while to figure out exactly what to say in a way that wouldn’t be too difficult to understand and wouldn’t give away too much about his past. He decided to keep it general.
            “The people in this world are incapable of love. They only look out for themselves. They lie, cheat, and steal their way into their version of happiness and they don’t care how many broken hearts they leave behind. Love cannot survive in a world that is about survival of the fittest…a materialistic world where the only concerns are wealth and power. It just doesn’t exist. Maybe it used to but…not anymore. Everyone just has their own agenda.” Her smile was not the reaction he was expecting and her voice when she spoke sounded almost dreamy with a hint of amusement.
“You know, I came here looking for love. Looking to start over, enjoy my life…be happy. You may think that I wasted my time, and I almost did too. But you changed that. You say we live in a world without love, a world where everyone looks out for themselves and yet you came to sit here with a dying girl. A complete stranger. He you are sharing my last moments, showing kindness and patience to me. That is love Tyler.”
“I wouldn’t say that, I’ve been wondering why I’m doing this since the min I sat down with you.” He wasn’t a saint, and he didn’t want to be here…she had to know that.
“Love is what keep you anchored here Tyler, no matter how much you don’t want to believe that. You know you’re very easy to read. You shut people out in fear of being hurt, but you are a loving person. It’s embedded in your nature. A nature that you’re trying to fight for reasons I will never know. And that’s fine but, don’t think for a second that you’re fooling anyone. Everyone can see that ‘I don’t care’ attitude that you wear so proudly is being forced.”
“You don’t know me” He tried to tone down the edge in his voice. This girl was out of it and he had to treat her as such. “You don’t know what I’ve experienced; you don’t know what my life has been like.”
“I know I would have loved you. I know I would have tried my best to earn your trust. I would have treated you with kindness and loyalty, because I know that all you need is to be shown that it is possible. I would have shown you that love is possible.” She stared at him with such intensity in her eyes that he knew she was fully aware of what she was saying. Not “out of it” at all. The most surprising part to her words however, was the sincerity behind them. She didn’t blink, she didn’t look away, she stared right into his eyes and smiled. Her lips were dry, chapped, and almost the same color as her teeth because of the lack of blood in them…but her smile was still beautiful to him. She honestly believed that she could have loved Tyler and despite his better judgment… this caused him to believe her too. The icy and protective shell that he wore around him most of his life shattered and a wave of emotion washed over him.  Suddenly he was aware of everything: the sun, the blue skies, the light breeze, the audience of awe stricken spectators that he hadn’t realized were watching them, and the medium sized piece of glass protruding from the girl’s abdomen. His eyes had been opened, but nothing surrounding him mattered. All that mattered was that he didn’t want her to die now. Of course he never wanted her to die but now…somehow, he needed her. He wanted so badly to be with her, to walk with her, to know her. He thought that if there was a God, how he could be so cruel as to send him what could have been the love of his life at the time of her death. How could this situation possibly reestablish his beliefs in anything?
“Tyler...” He looked down at her ashen face; they were practically sitting in a pool of her blood. “I’m sorry that I came to you too late…but If I can’t leave you with love, at least let me leave you with hope. You’re a good man Tyler, and you’re very capable of bringing love back into this world.  As long as you have hope, you will find love again. I promise.” He could feel her pulse weakening and her breathing getting shallower. Her eyes slowly began to close.
“Wait!” Tyler shouted, shaking the girl now, refusing to let her go before answering his own question. “Wait! …What’s your name?!” Silence. “What’s your name!?”
“Julie” she whispered, before falling into a deep, peaceful sleep.
A few weeks later Julie’s estranged mother was packing up the girl’s belongings in her apartment. She hadn’t seen her daughter in years and the news of her death had left her heart broken. On her way out of the apartment she noticed a sticky note on Julie’s refrigerator. It was a ‘to do’ list, written on the day she died. There was only one sentence under the words To Do:
                        Make a difference in someone’s life.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Rant: feel free to not read

A follower of mine on twitter RTs this chick and it says, “drink the cum out of a wine class”. Now, lol…out of pure curiosity of what the hell this chick was talking about, I went to her page. Cuz I’m thinking that had to be out of context. But naw, all homegirls tweets are along those lines. “Suck the dick… on site” yes she spelled sight wrong. “Squeeze the dick on my pussy while you fucking me” I’m not even sure what that means. “Fuck a ring, buy me a house #soiknowitsreal” Now I wouldn’t care normally. It’s plenty of chicks that do this for attention on twitter. Their bios are usually along the same lines. But this chick calls herself classy in her bio. Classy...classy?! It makes me wonder if she knows the definition. Broads like this kill me and whether her particular case is just wanting attention or not, there are chicks out here that really act and think this way. Trifling type females that give the rest of us a bad name. I mean “fuck a ring, buy me a house?” How bout you buy yo own damn house? What makes you think you need a man to buy you a house? And what MAN do you even think is gonna give you the time of day? Maybe these nothing ass niggas might fall in love with your “classy” cum swallowing abilities, but these CEOs, these business men, these entrepreneurs? They will use you for exactly what you talking about and move on with life. No house, no ring, no respect. Yea you might be able to hold their attention long enough to swallow their cum with a wine glass but once the fun is over its “alright bitch get out my’ve overstayed your welcome.” It’s one thing to be a freak...I’m completely down with that. But it’s another thing to just be straight up nasty with no self-respect. Keep your cum swallowing techniques in the bedroom, and limited to one guy…instead of putting it on blast on twitter. And broads wonder why dudes approach them the way they do. U think the nigga reading your tweets is like “Wow, yea she’s definitely wifey material!” more like “wow, yea she’s definitely DTF.” Smh, women need to get it together. That shit is not cute nor sexy.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Being in control

Okay, let’s be honest here. In this day and time, with all the advances we have in medical technology, if you really don’t want to get pregnant…uuhh you won’t. I mean not only do we have condoms, which I feel is the most unreliable form of birth control by the way…we have spermicide, the morning after pill, the birth control pill/shot, IUDs, hell nuvaring! There really is no excuse for an “unplanned pregnancy” except pure negligence. That’s the truth that most people don’t want to admit. Chicks will come up with all kinds of reasons to justify. Either birth control is too expensive or “it makes you fat”. Granted some women actually do have systems that may not agree with the shots or the pills but even then…I did mention spermicide and the morning after pill did I not? And as far as expenses go, if you don’t have insurance, which would make these methods considerably cheaper, they do have the Planned Parenthood clinics. They charge you based on your income and they also have discounts for students. Hell some of em give away brands of birth control pills for free for you to try. My point is we really shouldn’t have so many single and under 25 mothers running around, or so many abortion clinics overflowing. I’m not trying to start a pro-life or pro-choice debate here; all I’m saying is that it boils down to being responsible. If you know you are sexually active and not ready for a child…be woman enough to do something about it. I mean we stay blaming men because…they didn’t pull out quick enough or didn’t wear a condom…well you gotta be on your job too ladies. It’s not like there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. I’m not perfect… no one is, but we have to be a little smarter about our decisions. Paying 20 or 30…or at the most $50 for a Plan B pill is better than paying $300 to $400 at the abortion clinic.