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Friday, May 4, 2012

The other Illuminati?

I know, I know...not another Illuminati conspirator. Actually i'm not one. But i figured since my own uncle came at me with the whole "you got to watch this stuff on YouTube" thing...-___- i figured i'd write about it. Now one question pops into my head when people start talking about this whole Illuminati thing. Are there two? Cause i mean according to the history that i have learned and what people say about the organization these days... it seems that some where down the line the Illuminati split up or something. I mean when did the victims...yes victims, become the bad guys? Okay, let me explain and before anyone says anything, no I'm not atheist lol.
Yes the Illuminati is a real secret society. They were formed during the time that the Catholic Church was the most powerful establishment in Europe. During this time, certain men who were not only scientist but philosophers and men of "higher thinking" in general, went against many of the teachings of the church. For example, the whole situation of the world being flat, or the sun and other planets revolving around the earth. Of course the church wasn't happy about these group of people disagreeing with them. If the church is scared of anything, it's the people's doubt in them. So of course, the scientist were prosecuted, even killed because they were heretics preaching blasphemy. According to the church anyway. So yea, maybe the church would have wanted you to think the Illuminati were satanist in those days. But no, they were just scientist who created a secret society so they could meet up and discuss their findings. Pick up a history book, google it, hell watch Angels and Demons! Fact is fact. And i'm sorry if you feel like i'm insulting your intelligence here because you may have already had this lil history lesson. But i'm sure there are some, like my uncle, who had no clue those were the Illuminati origins.
Sooo, back to my question. How did the Illuminati go from a group of scientist and philosophers trying to protect themselves from the church.. to the people you go to and sell your soul to for riches and fame? Since when did the simple "a-ok" hand gesture  or the peace sign become demonic symbols of the Illuminati? Show me a picture or painting from the time of Galileo ( a well known Illuminati member) that has these symbols in it. Or maybe even Galileo himself or any other scientist throwing up the a-ok sign. Come on smh.
Bottom line, people are superstitious, we always will be. I mean i'm sure there is someone reading this right now that disagrees with everything that i'm saying, ready to say I've been brain washed and so on and so forth. But like i said fact is fact and gimmick is gimmick. "Oh but but Kanye West said himself that he sold his soul to the devil!" Kanye West is trying to get a reaction, like he always does. Keep people talking. Notice that nobody was talking about selling there souls until people started accusing them. So they did what i personally would do to. People want to talk, so give them something to talk about. So yea i sold my soul, yea no church in the wild, yea fuck the church -___- cuz that's what you wanna hear...right?
But hey, maybe there is something going on with the music industry. But i doubt the  real Illuminati has anything to do with it and i'm pretty sure they're irritated by their name being involved in all the fuckery.